The Holy Rosary shielded them from Hiroshima nuclear bombing!
The name Hiroshima has become a synonym of nuclear attack and massive killing with long lasting catastrophic effect. It was seventy years ago, on August 9th. The Hiroshima attack killed around 80,000 people instantly and is estimated to have caused about 130,000 deaths, among which majority were civilians. The attack on the port city of Nagasaki killed about 40,000 instantly and destroyed a third of the city.
On the anniversary of Hiroshima catastrophe, four Jesuits priests narrated how the power of the Rosary safeguarded them from the deadly nuclear radiation that killed or made the hundreds of thousand perennially invalid.
The most striking and incredible fact is that the Jesuits fathers, Lassalle, Hubert Schiffer, Wilhelm Kleinsorge, and Hubert Cieslik, were close to the hypocenter of the attack on Hiroshima. They were staying at the rectory of the church of Our Lady of the Assumption, one of the few buildings that resisted the bomb blast. But they miraculously survived the catastrophe. The radiation that killed thousands in the months following had no effect on them. The doctors who treated them later warned them that the radiation they received during the explosion would produce serious lesions, as well as illness and premature death.
Later, Father Cieslik wrote in his diary: “We only sustained minor injuries from the broken windows – but nothing resulting from the atomic energy that was unleashed.”
But, surprising the prediction of the doctor, the four priests survived not only death, but never succumbed to the catastrophic after effects too. In 1976 Father Schiffer attended the Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia and told his story. He confirmed that the other Jesuits were still alive and without any ailments. Over the years, the priests were examined by dozens of doctors some 200 times, but no one could find even a trace of the radiation in their bodies!
The four religious priests testify in one voice: “We were protected by blessed with protection by God and the Blessed Virgin Mary. The priests reveal the secret of their miraculous survival: “We were living the message of Fatima and we prayed the Rosary every day!”